Sunday, December 10, 2017


You know that weird feeling when the only way you can explain someone knowing something is through witchcraft? If you are living in America, many would answer that question "no". But the spiritual realm is so real and if you are a Bible believer, you know that the demons and the angels are battling (...but Jesus wins! FYI). We have had some odd or abnormal (maybe supernatural???) things happen. And we know of two witch doctors that live in the area. A couple of weeks ago, Allison and I were praying in bed when she said "Benjamin, start praying against the devil!" She had just seen demon eyes in the window after our team had been feeling spiritual warfare. Some of the things that happen in Africa I would have never believed being in the U.S. But now there is very little that I totally discount. The good news: we have a God over angel armies, power in Jesus name, and armor in Ephesians 6. Don't go to battle naked!

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