Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Pushing back

Sunday seemed like a crazy day realizing how much this world needs Jesus. In the afternoon, we had a football game where our team that joined the town league back in April played against another team from the village. It was a much anticipated game because of having two local teams (who share the same home field) go at it with players who all know each other.

The game ended with us losing 2-0 and tempers flaring... not so much from the players but the coaches. There were so many drunk villagers wandering around the grounds making all kinds of noise and grown adults acting like rebel adolescents. When the game was finished men were all out pushing and fighting each other including our own coaches. At one point, I saw one of our house mothers doing her best to break up a women's brawl. It was disheartening.

I walked home from the game with kids from the children's home. A little girl named Maggie held my hand the whole way. She is 7 years old and is in 1st grade. As we were talking, I asked her about school and about her teacher. I asked if she liked him and she said no. I was kind of surprised but when I asked why she said that she doesn't like him because he beats. Now beating can carry a wide range of definitions from ear pulling to beating with sticks but regardless, a sweet 1st grader should never have to be fearful of her teacher. I think of the kids in the community where I grew up and elementary ages are ones where children absolutely love going to school and can't wait to have the teacher's attention and affection.

It's things like this that that seem discouraging and make our task seem impossible. But then again, that is why we are here and these are the places that Jesus would go. Just to push back against the devil a little bit and claim another square inch for Jesus' kingdom... that is what it's all about.

1 comment:

  1. Keep being Jesus & shine
    Your presence makes all difference Shalom
