Monday, March 13, 2017

Learning Trust

As I sit here in the shade on this sunny and 80 degree day with a slight breeze rustling through the nearby bushes, I hear the sound of kids playing on their day off from school and my heart desires to be at rest. It loves this place I now call home.

It just feels hard. My heart wants to be still, content, and filled with peace, but it feels like we can't do anything about our visa situation. And yet, the Lord whispers, "do you trust me?"

 And so we wait. We wait to hear what the immigration official will say when we call later this week.

 The boys swinging on the hammock next to me can't stop laughing because the rope keeps breaking as they fall flat on their backs. I am reminded of the joy that is exuding from them as they play together. This is the kind of joy I want to be filled with; an overflowing joy from my Heavenly Father.

 Pray with us as we trust in the plans of our Farther this week.


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