I wrote this about 2 weeks ago, but just haven't posted it yet.
We serve such a powerful God! Mallory arrived yesterday, and we kept hearing from the girl she sponsors that she would be going to town for holiday break. We decided to go and find the auntie, who she stays with, to see if she could hang around the village for a few extra days to spend time with Mallory.
When we arrived at her house the auntie was bathing. When she came to join us she could hardly walk because her leg was hurting so badly. We asked her about it and she said for the past year the pain has come and gone, some months more intensely than others. She has gone to the hospital and they gave her some pills to take, but the pain hadn't left. She said she now thinks the pain has something to do with the witches because of the way it hasn't left for months. At this point I knew we had to pray over her.
We asked if it would be ok if we would pray over her. We explained that God is so much more powerful than any witch and that if we called upon Him, He could heal her. She agreed and we spent time laying hands on her and praying. When we finished we asked if she had felt the pain move or leave her body. She said she had felt the pain move up her leg. This made me feel like it was something demonic, so I asked if we could pray again. She agreed. We prayed healing over her body, and the Lord healed her leg! It was amazing! Henry, who was translating for us asked her if she could stand up and make sure it really was feeling better. She did, and it seemed as though the pain had left! The Lord is SO powerful! We prayed and sealed the healing over her body and encouraged her that if satan ever tried to bring the pain back, to pray and ask God to take it away.
Hopefully we can go back and find her this week. The Lord tells us in Luke 10 to go out and pray for the sick so that they can experience who He is. That is what we want. We want people to be able to experience the Lord. We don't want to go and dump a bunch of churchy knowledge on them and tell them to believe, we want them to truly experience His goodness and might!
Praise the Lord with us as this lady experienced the healing power of Jesus!