Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Update on our Groups

Here is a brief update on how our groups are going: 

-Tobacco Farm: we are officially a church! Praise God! This past week we had a meeting where we discussed what a church is. Everyone agreed that what we are doing is church and we want to recognize it as such. Both of us our super excited about this progress!

-Lizzy & Mama Ruth: this past week we took communion together! We were nervous going into it because Mama Ruth is heavily influenced by the New Apostolic church and we didn't know if she would be okay with taking communion in her home. We spent a lot of time in scripture seeing what the first church did, and we took communion together with nshima, meat, and water. The Lord is working in mighty ways here. This week we hope to talk about recognizing ourselves as a church, which would be a huge step!

-Sugar Village: We discussed baptism again this past week. Beatrice, who is very sick, wants to be baptized. Hopefully this week she will be feeling better and she can be baptized. 

Mama Ruth checking our words with scripture from a Lozi Bible

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