Friday, December 16, 2016


There is a lodge a couple of miles away called Siankaba. It is a beautiful place on the Zambezi River. A night for two at this lodge costs roughly $1000! Earlier this year, some people here at Love's Door became friends with some of the Siankaba staff through volleyball. There is a volleyball court near Siankaba that their staff uses frequently. Just about every week we walk over and play for an hour or two against their staff.

This past week, Siankaba invited us to have a braai (the Zambia way of say of referring to cookout or grilling) with them. We found out this week that the manager extended the invitation to include staying a night at the lodge! So on Wednesday evening, a group of us from Love's Door headed to Siankaba. We played volleyball for a couple of hours and then we were shown the beautiful lodge. It is gorgeous! You can check it out online if you wish:

They fed us supper and stayed up late into the night chatting with us. We had breakfast there the next morning and then headed out around 10:00. It was a lovely getaway to just relax and recharge. We also found that the staff of Siankaba really enjoyed having others to share in the joys and struggles of working in the villages. They have a number of projects currently going such as building wells and building a school as a way of giving back to the community. It will be interesting to see if we can partner in the future or at least how this friendship will grow. But for now we are so grateful for the wonderful surprise respite that we received!

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