We are in Kansas City!!!
We arrived Sunday evening, October 2nd. Training began that night and has been very intense over the past week and a half.
God has already been working in our short time here. We originally set out to come to training as an avenue to arrive in Zambia to take part in business and educational mission work, which we are very excited about. However, we have been surprised and overwhelmed at how God is using CPx training to work in our hearts and change our view of missions.
CPx is church planting experience training. All Nations mission is to make disciples and leaders who start church planting movements that spread throughout neglected people groups. In the process of creating a church planting movement, it may be necessary to use education, business, orphan care, etc. to spread the gospel. This shift has been a subtle but crucial rethinking of our purpose so that the main focus of our ministry is that Jesus is worshipped by all people in Zambia and business and education can be a piece of that.
The idea of a church planting movement is that disciples are made who make disciples who make disciples... and on and on it goes. Many of our western churches have fallen into a pattern of growth through addition (and sadly often from other churches) rather than multiplication. The people at CPx believe that church planting needs to be simple and reproducible so that every culture is empowered despite not always having North American resources such as pastoral training, a literate community, etc.
We have begun to practice this already here in Kansas City through living out church with other CPx attendees as well as doing street evangelism and following up with the people we meet with the hope of creating disciples and forming churches.
We believe that the harvest is great and that the need is for more workers to "go". We have already seen the gospel shared, church being lived out, and the sick being healed. So it is with great encouragement that we write this post in excitement of how God will work in and through us over these last two weeks of training and when we hit the ground in Zambia in three weeks.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support!